About Us
“İnanç Enerji A.Ş” was founded in 1964 in Kocaeli Region with the foundation of İnanç Electricity. It was acquired by the Ministry of Energy in 1967 with the license numbere “12224”. It provides solutions in different fields of the energy sector across Turkey and internationally as a solution partner.
“İnanç Enerji A.Ş” offers integrated services with its activities in 15 different fields of energy sector.
Taking into consideration the evolving competitive conditionssince 2000, we are in partnership with the leading R & D companies of the world in line with the companies’ expectations.
Principles Of Sustainability
They pay attention to the long-term,socially beneficial and lasting benefits of the projects they support to provide sustainable services through their work.
Their priorities in holistic sustainability approach are protection of the nature andenvironment, collective contribution, responsible business conduct and business security.
Always aims to provide better services through innovative solutions and 21st century technology.